Wyoming Air Quality Monitoring Network

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Parameter Description 
Torrington Mobile BAM24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10->24h backward avg
Torrington Mobile BAM1-Hour PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Torrington Mobile BAM1-hr Temperature AverageAmbient Temperature DegC
Torrington Mobile BAMPM10_BAM_BARPRESS_RESEARCHBarometric Pressure
Torrington Mobile BAMPM10_BAM_FLOW_RESEARCHPM Flow
Torrington Mobile BAMPM10_BAM_RELHUMRelative Humidity
Torrington Mobile BAM24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Torrington Mobile BAM1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Torrington Mobile BAMPM25_ShelterTempShelter Temperature
Torrington Mobile BAMWind DirectionScalar Wind Direction coming from the Met One BAM 1020 PM2.5 instrument
Torrington Mobile BAMWind SpeedScalar Wind Speed
Torrington Mobile BAMScalar Wind SpeedScalar Wind Speed
Big Piney10m TEMP10 m Temperature
Big PineyTemperature2 m Temperature
Big PineyTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Big PineyBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
Big PineyTemperature DifferenceTemperature Difference
Big PineyPeak Wind SpeedWind Gust
Big PineyNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
Big PineyNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Big PineyOxides of NitrogenNOx
Big PineyOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Big PineyOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Big PineyPrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
Big PineyPrecipitationPrecipitation
Big PineyRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Big PineyShelterTempShelter Temperature
Big PineySolar RadiationSolar Radiation
Big PineyWind DirectionWind Direction - Scalar
Big PineyScalar Wind SpeedWind Speed - Scalar
Big PineyWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Boulder10m TEMP10 m Temperature
BoulderTemperature2 m Temperature
BoulderTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
BoulderBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
BoulderTemperature DifferenceTemperature Difference
Boulderm/p Xylenem/p Xylene
BoulderNon-Methane HydrocarbonsNon-Methane Organic Compounds or Non-Methane Hydrocarbons
BoulderNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
BoulderNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
BoulderOxides of NitrogenNOx
BoulderReactive Oxides of NitrogenReactive Oxides of Nitrogen (NOy)
BoulderReactive NOy-Reactive NO DifferenceNOy-NO
BoulderOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
BoulderOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
BoulderPhotolytic Nitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
BoulderPhotolytic Nitrogen DioxideNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
BoulderPhotolytic Oxides of NitrogenNOx
Boulder1-Hour PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Boulder24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10->24h backward avg
BoulderPrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
BoulderReactive Nitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
BoulderRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
BoulderShelterTempShelter Temperature
BoulderStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
BoulderSolar RadiationSolar Radiation
BoulderSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
BoulderWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
BoulderTotal HydrocarbonsTotal Hydrocarbons
BoulderIncoming UV RadiationUV Radiation In
BoulderNet UV RadiationUV Radiation Net
BoulderOutgoing UV RadiationUV Radiation Out
BoulderWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
BoulderVWSPWind Speed - Resultant
BoulderVWSP_MPHResultant WSP in MPH
Casper Gaseous10m TEMP10 m Temperature
Casper GaseousTemperature2 m Temperature
Casper GaseousTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Casper GaseousBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
Casper GaseousTemperature DifferenceTemperature Difference
Casper GaseousPeak Wind SpeedWind Gust
Casper GaseousNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
Casper GaseousNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Casper GaseousOxides of NitrogenNOx
Casper GaseousOzoneOzone
Casper GaseousOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Casper GaseousOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Casper Gaseous1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Casper Gaseous24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Casper GaseousPrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
Casper GaseousPrecipitationPrecipitation
Casper GaseousRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Casper GaseousShelterTempShelter Temperature
Casper GaseousStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Casper GaseousSolar RadiationSolar Radiation
Casper GaseousSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Casper GaseousWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Casper GaseousWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
Cheyenne NCore10m TEMP10 m Temperature
Cheyenne NCoreTemperature2 m Temperature
Cheyenne NCoreTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Cheyenne NCoreBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
Cheyenne NCore1-hr CO AverageCarbon Monoxide
Cheyenne NCore1-hr CO AverageCarbon Monoxide converted to PPB
Cheyenne NCoreTemperature DifferenceTemperature Difference
Cheyenne NCorePeak Wind SpeedWind Gust
Cheyenne NCoreNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
Cheyenne NCoreNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Cheyenne NCoreReactive Oxides of NitrogenReactive Oxides of Nitrogen (NOy)
Cheyenne NCoreReactive NOy-Reactive NO DifferenceNOy-NO
Cheyenne NCoreOxides of NitrogenNOx
Cheyenne NCoreOzoneOzone
Cheyenne NCoreOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Cheyenne NCoreOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Cheyenne NCore1-Hour PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Cheyenne NCore24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10->24h backward avg
Cheyenne NCore1-Hour PM CoarsePM10-2.5 - Local Conditions
Cheyenne NCorePM252.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Cheyenne NCore1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Cheyenne NCore24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Cheyenne NCore24-hr PM<sub>2.5</sub> Rolling Average24 hour backward rolling average of PM25 for web site
Cheyenne NCorePM25_QA2.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Cheyenne NCorePM25_SATELLITE2.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Cheyenne NCorePrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
Cheyenne NCorePrecipitationPrecipitation
Cheyenne NCoreReactive Nitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
Cheyenne NCoreRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Cheyenne NCoreShelterTempShelter Temperature
Cheyenne NCoreStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Cheyenne NCore1-Hr SO2 AverageSulfur Dioxide
Cheyenne NCoreSolar RadiationSolar Radiation
Cheyenne NCoreSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Cheyenne NCoreWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Cheyenne NCoreWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
Cheyenne NCoreVWSPWind Speed - Resultant
Cheyenne NCoreWind SpeedResultant WSP in MPH
Cody SLAMS1-hr Temperature AverageAmbient Temperature of the PM2.5 BAM in F
Cody SLAMS24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Cody SLAMS1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Converse County10m TEMP10 m Temperature
Converse County2m TEMP2 m Temperature
Converse CountyTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Converse CountyBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
Converse County1-hr CO AverageCarbon Monoxide
Converse County1-hr CO AverageCarbon Monoxide converted to PPB
Converse CountyTemperature DifferenceTemperature Difference
Converse CountyPeak Wind SpeedWind Gust
Converse CountyMethaneMethane
Converse CountyNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
Converse CountyNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Converse CountyNon-Methane HydrocarbonsNon-Methane Organic Compounds
Converse CountyOxides of NitrogenNOx
Converse CountyOzoneOzone
Converse CountyOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Converse CountyOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Converse County1-Hour PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Converse County24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10->24h backward avg
Converse CountyPrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
Converse CountyPrecipitationPrecipitation
Converse CountyRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Converse CountyShelterTempShelter Temperature
Converse CountyStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Converse CountySolar RadiationSolar Radiation
Converse CountyWind DirectionWind Direction - Scalar
Converse CountySWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Converse CountyWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Converse CountyTotal HydrocarbonsTotal Hydrocarbons
Daniel South10m TEMP10 m Temperature
Daniel SouthTemperature2 m Temperature
Daniel SouthTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Daniel SouthBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
Daniel SouthTemperature DifferenceTemperature Difference
Daniel SouthNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
Daniel SouthNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Daniel SouthOxides of NitrogenNOx
Daniel SouthOzoneOzone
Daniel SouthOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Daniel SouthOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Daniel South1-Hour PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Daniel South24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10->24h backward avg
Daniel SouthPrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
Daniel SouthPrecipitationPrecipitation
Daniel SouthRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Daniel SouthShelterTempShelter Temperature
Daniel SouthStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Daniel SouthSolar RadiationSolar Radiation
Daniel SouthWind DirectionWind Direction - Scalar
Daniel SouthSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Daniel SouthWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Gillette SLAMS1-hr Temperature AverageAmbient Temperature of the PM2.5 BAM in F
Gillette SLAMS24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Gillette SLAMS1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Jackson SLAMS1-hr Temperature AverageAmbient Temperature of the PM10 BAM in F
Jackson SLAMS1-hr Temperature AverageAmbient Temperature DegC
Jackson SLAMS24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10->24h backward avg
Jackson SLAMS1-Hour PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Jackson SLAMSPM10_BAM_RELHUMRelative Humidity
Jackson SLAMS24-hr PM2.5 Rolling Average24 hour backward rolling average of PM25 for web site
Jackson SLAMS1-Hour PM2.5Particulate Matter 2.5 microns or less, hourly data
Jackson SLAMSPM25_BAM_BARPRESS_1022Barometric Pressure
Jackson SLAMSRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Johnson County10m TEMP10 m Temperature
Johnson CountyTemperature2 m Temperature
Johnson CountyTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Johnson CountyTemperature DifferenceTemperature Difference
Johnson CountyNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
Johnson CountyNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Johnson CountyOxides of NitrogenNOx
Johnson CountyOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Johnson CountyOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Johnson County1-Hour PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Johnson County24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10->24h backward avg
Johnson CountyRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Johnson CountyShelterTempShelter Temperature
Johnson CountyStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Johnson CountySWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Johnson CountyWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Johnson CountyWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
Juel Spring10m TEMP10 m Temperature
Juel SpringTemperature2 m Temperature
Juel SpringTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Juel SpringBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
Juel SpringTemperature DifferenceTemperature Difference
Juel SpringMethaneMethane
Juel SpringNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
Juel SpringNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Juel SpringNon-Methane HydrocarbonsNon-Methane Organic Compounds
Juel SpringOxides of NitrogenNOx
Juel SpringOzoneOzone
Juel SpringOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Juel SpringOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Juel SpringPrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
Juel SpringPrecipitationPrecipitation
Juel SpringRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Juel SpringShelterTempShelter Temperature
Juel SpringStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Juel SpringSolar RadiationSolar Radiation
Juel SpringWind DirectionWind Direction - Scalar
Juel SpringSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Juel SpringWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Juel SpringTotal HydrocarbonsTotal Hydrocarbons
Lander SLAMS1-hr Temperature AverageAmbient Temperature of the PM2.5 BAM in F
Lander SLAMS24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Lander SLAMS1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Lander SLAMSPM25_BAM_BARPRESSBarometric Pressure
Laramie SLAMS1-hr Temperature AverageAmbient Temperature of the PM2.5 BAM in F
Laramie SLAMS24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Laramie SLAMS1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Laramie SLAMSPM25_BAM_BARPRESSBarometric Pressure
Laramie SLAMSPM25_QA_COLLOCATED2.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Lysite MobileBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
Lysite Mobile1-hr CO AverageCarbon Monoxide
Lysite Mobile1-hr CO AverageCarbon Monoxide converted to PPB
Lysite MobileMethaneMethane
Lysite MobileNon-Methane HydrocarbonsNon-Methane Organic Compounds
Lysite MobileNitric OxideNitric Oxide
Lysite MobileNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Lysite MobileOxides of NitrogenNOx
Lysite MobileOZONEOzone
Lysite MobileOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Lysite MobileOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Lysite Mobile1-hr PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Lysite Mobile24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10-> 24h backward avg
Lysite Mobile1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Lysite Mobile24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 -> 24h backward avg
Lysite MobilePrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
Lysite MobileRAINFALLPrecipitation
Lysite MobileRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Lysite MobileShelterTempShelter Temperature
Lysite MobileStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Lysite Mobile1-Hr SO2 AverageSulfur Dioxide
Lysite MobileSolar RadiationSolar Radiation
Lysite MobileSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Lysite MobileWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Lysite MobileTemperatureTemperature
Lysite MobileTemperatureTemperature at 10 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Lysite MobileTotal HydrocarbonsTotal Hydrocarbons
Lysite MobileWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
Lysite MobileVWSPWind Speed - Resultant
Lysite MobileVWSP_MPHVector Wind Speed
Moxa Arch10m TEMP10 m Temperature
Moxa ArchTemperature2 m Temperature
Moxa ArchTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Moxa ArchBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
Moxa ArchTemperature DifferenceTemperature Difference
Moxa ArchPeak Wind SpeedWind Gust
Moxa ArchMethaneMethane
Moxa ArchNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
Moxa ArchNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Moxa ArchNon-Methane HydrocarbonsNon-Methane Organic Compounds
Moxa ArchOxides of NitrogenNOx
Moxa ArchOzoneOzone
Moxa ArchOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Moxa ArchOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Moxa Arch1-Hour PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Moxa Arch24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10->24h backward avg
Moxa ArchPrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
Moxa ArchPrecipitationPrecipitation
Moxa ArchRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Moxa ArchStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Moxa Arch1-Hr SO2 AverageSulfur Dioxide
Moxa ArchSolar RadiationSolar Radiation
Moxa ArchSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Moxa ArchWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Moxa ArchTotal HydrocarbonsTotal Hydrocarbons
Moxa ArchWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
Moxa ArchVWSPWind Speed - Resultant
Moxa ArchVWSP_MPHResultant WSP in MPH
Pinedale GaseousTemperature10 m Temperature
Pinedale GaseousTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Pinedale GaseousNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
Pinedale GaseousNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Pinedale GaseousOxides of NitrogenNOx
Pinedale GaseousOzoneOzone
Pinedale GaseousOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Pinedale GaseousOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Pinedale Gaseous1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Pinedale Gaseous24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Pinedale GaseousRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Pinedale GaseousShelterTempShelter Temperature
Pinedale GaseousStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Pinedale GaseousWind DirectionWind Direction - Scalar
Pinedale GaseousSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Pinedale GaseousWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Riverton SLAMSWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Riverton SLAMSWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
Rock Springs MobileBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
Rock Springs MobileMethaneMethane
Rock Springs MobileNon-Methane HydrocarbonsNon-Methane Organic Compounds
Rock Springs MobileNitric OxideNitric Oxide
Rock Springs MobileNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Rock Springs MobileOxides of NitrogenNOx
Rock Springs MobileOZONEOzone
Rock Springs MobileOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Rock Springs MobileOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Rock Springs Mobile1-hr PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Rock Springs Mobile24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10-> 24h backward avg
Rock Springs Mobile1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Rock Springs Mobile24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 -> 24h backward avg
Rock Springs MobilePrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
Rock Springs MobileRAINFALLPrecipitation
Rock Springs MobileRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Rock Springs MobileShelterTempShelter Temperature
Rock Springs MobileStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Rock Springs Mobile1-Hr SO2 AverageSulfur Dioxide
Rock Springs MobileSolar RadiationSolar Radiation
Rock Springs MobileSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Rock Springs MobileWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Rock Springs MobileTemperatureTemperature
Rock Springs MobileTemperatureTemperature at 10 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Rock Springs MobileTotal HydrocarbonsTotal Hydrocarbons
Rock Springs MobileWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
Rock Springs MobileVWSPWind Speed - Resultant
Rock Springs MobileVWSP_MPHVector Wind Speed
Rock Springs SLAMS1-hr Temperature AverageAmbient Temperature of the PM2.5 BAM in F
Rock Springs SLAMS24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Rock Springs SLAMS1-Hour PM2.5Particulate Matter 2.5 microns or less, hourly data
Rock Springs SLAMSPM25_BAM_BARPRESSBarometric Pressure
Sheridan MobileBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
Sheridan MobileMethaneMethane
Sheridan MobileNon-Methane HydrocarbonsNon-Methane Organic Compounds
Sheridan MobileNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
Sheridan MobileNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Sheridan MobileOxides of NitrogenNOx
Sheridan MobileOzoneOzone
Sheridan MobileOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Sheridan MobileOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Sheridan Mobile1-Hour PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Sheridan Mobile24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10->24h backward avg
Sheridan Mobile1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Sheridan Mobile24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Sheridan MobilePrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
Sheridan MobilePrecipitationPrecipitation
Sheridan MobileShelterTempShelter Temperature
Sheridan MobileStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Sheridan Mobile1-Hr SO2 AverageSulfur Dioxide
Sheridan MobileSolar RadiationSolar Radiation
Sheridan MobileSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Sheridan MobileWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Sheridan MobileTemperatureTemperature
Sheridan MobileTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Sheridan MobileTotal HydrocarbonsTotal Hydrocarbons
Sheridan MobileWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
Sheridan MobileVWSPWind Speed - Resultant
Sheridan MobileVWSP_MPHResultant WSP in MPH
Sheridan PD SLAMS1-Hour PM10Particulate Matter 10 microns or less, 24H sample
Sheridan PD SLAMS24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10->24h backward avg
Sheridan PD SLAMS1-hr Temperature AverageAmbient Temperature DegC
Sheridan PD SLAMSPM10_BAM_RELHUMRelative Humidity
Sheridan PD SLAMS24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Sheridan PD SLAMS1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
Sheridan PD SLAMSPM25_BAM_AMBTEMPAmbient Temperature DegC
Sheridan PD SLAMSPM25_BAM_RELHUMRelative Humidity
Sheridan PD SLAMSPrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
Sheridan PD SLAMSPrecipitationPrecipitation
Sheridan PD SLAMSRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Sheridan PD SLAMSStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Sheridan PD SLAMSSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Sheridan PD SLAMSWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Sheridan PD SLAMSTemperatureTemperature
Sheridan PD SLAMSTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Sheridan PD SLAMSWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
South Pass10m TEMP10 m Temperature
South PassTemperature2 m Temperature
South PassTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
South PassBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
South PassTemperature DifferenceTemperature Difference
South PassNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
South PassNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
South PassOxides of NitrogenNOx
South PassOzoneOzone
South PassOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
South PassOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
South Pass1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
South Pass24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
South PassPrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
South PassPrecipitationPrecipitation
South PassRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
South PassShelterTempShelter Temperature
South PassStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
South PassSolar RadiationSolar Radiation
South PassSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
South PassWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
South PassWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
South PassVWSPWind Speed - Resultant
South PassVWSP_MPHResultant WSP in MPH
Thunder Basin10m TEMP10 m Temperature
Thunder BasinTemperature2 m Temperature
Thunder BasinTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
Thunder BasinBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
Thunder BasinTemperature DifferenceTemperature Difference
Thunder BasinPeak Wind SpeedWind Gust
Thunder BasinNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Thunder BasinOzoneOzone
Thunder BasinOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
Thunder BasinOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Thunder BasinPrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
Thunder BasinPrecipitationPrecipitation
Thunder BasinRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
Thunder BasinStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
Thunder BasinSolar RadiationSolar Radiation
Thunder BasinWind DirectionWind Direction - Scalar
Thunder BasinSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
Thunder BasinWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Wamsutter10m TEMP10 m Temperature
WamsutterTemperature2 m Temperature
WamsutterTemperatureTemperature at 2 meters converted to Fahrenheit
WamsutterBarometric PressureBarometric Pressure
WamsutterTemperature DifferenceTemperature Difference
WamsutterNitric OxideNitric Oxide (NO)
WamsutterNitrogen Dioxide 1 Hour AverageNitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
WamsutterNon-Methane HydrocarbonsNon-Methane Organic Compounds
WamsutterOxides of NitrogenNOx
WamsutterOzone 8 Hour AverageOzone PPB -> 8 h backward avg
WamsutterOzone 1 Hour AverageOzone converted to PPB
Wamsutter1-Hour PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Wamsutter24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10->24h backward avg
WamsutterPrecipitation 1-Hour AveragePrecipitation in Inches
WamsutterRelative HumidityRelative Humidity
WamsutterShelterTempShelter Temperature
WamsutterStandard Deviation of Wind DirectionStandard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
WamsutterSWSPWind Speed - Scalar
WamsutterWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
WamsutterTotal HydrocarbonsTotal Hydrocarbons
WamsutterWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
WamsutterVWSPWind Speed - Resultant
WamsutterVWSP_MPHResultant WSP in MPH
Worland SLAMS1-hr Temperature AverageAmbient Temperature of the PM2.5 BAM in F
Worland SLAMS24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Worland SLAMS1-Hour PM2.5Particulate Matter 2.5 microns or less, hourly data
Worland SLAMSPM25_BAM_BARPRESSBarometric Pressure
Worland SLAMSWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
Worland SLAMSWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant
Yoder1-hr Temperature AverageAmbient Temperature of the PM10 BAM in F
Yoder24-hr PM10 Rolling AveragePM10->24h backward avg
Yoder1-Hour PM1010 Micron Particulate Matter
Yoder1-hr Temperature AverageAmbient Temperature DegC
Yoder24-hr PM2.5 Rolling AveragePM25 ->24h backward avg
Yoder1-Hour PM2.52.5 Micron Particulate Matter
YoderWind SpeedScalar WSP in MPH
YoderWind DirectionWind Direction - Resultant